
all birds not welcome here apparently

On the way out the door to church Sunday morning I saw a tiny bird (from the outside world, not the caged world) fly through the broken open window in our laundry room.

She had a little leaf in her beak and she flew right up to our shelf, home of surplus toilet paper and trash bags.

In the car I told the kids about what I saw and we talked about how cute she was.

When we returned home we discovered this work of art tucked in between a roll of paper towels and cleaning rags.

I guess saying yes to those parakeets of Bergen’s made my brain hazy.

I suggested to Kevin that we leave the nest where it was.

He laughed at me.

“You’re not serious, are you?”

I think I sort of was.  I mean, the nest was so pretty and so carefully hollowed out and formed.  It seemed wrong somehow to just move it.  I thought it sounded kind of cool to see eggs safely resting there and to watch new born bird babies hatch right in your own laundry room.

To which Kevin responded, “Exactly.  Birds in our laundry room.  Pooping in our laundry room.”

To which I replied something ridiculous like, “Uh – what if we put pans or something underneath the nest – just til they hatched.”

To which he responded, “Do you hear yourself?  Pans to catch bird poop in our laundry room?

To which I sighed.

Because of course he was right and I was crazy.  (This time.)

That is really gross.

And so we moved the bird’s nest and we shut the door so the broken window was not accessible to little wrens and robins any longer.

I guess two indoor birds is aplenty for any one family.