
Dear Every Friend I Have With Whom I Never Seem To Be Able To Spend Enough Time . . .

Dear Every Friend I Have With Whom I Never Seem To Be Able To Spend Enough Time . . . 

There have been times in my life when friendships were plentiful and times when friendships were few.

High school was full of friends.

Junior high not so much.

Freshman first semester I was a little hard-pressed to land with solid friends, but by sophomore year I was golden.

Post-college friendships took a pretty big fall.  I think back then my only friend was my newly acquired spouse.

(Well, I still had those beautiful college companions but we all lived too far away from one another to hang out regularly.)

And so it has gone, for years into marriage.  A few good friends here and there, but the efforts of making and maintaining new friends while pursuing careers and then pursuing babies and toddlers was often an effort Kevin and I struggled to maintain.

Fast forward to now.

Friendships.  We are blessed beyond measure currently.

Perhaps it’s the size of our church.  (It’s kind of big.)  Or the horde of college students we were able to meet through camp life that have now become part of our circle of friends.

I don’t know.

But I do know this.

I am grateful.

Beyond grateful, really.

This is a lovely lovely problem to have.

But it is sort of a problem.  (In the very best of ways, let me emphasis again, lest you judge me ungrateful – which I’ve already confessed to not being.)

Which is why I’m addressing you again ….

Dear Every Friend I Have With Whom I Never Seem To Be Able To Spend Enough Time . . . 

I feel as if I am always running out of time.

Seven nights in every week seems like a fair number.

But they evaporate out so quickly.

We usually choose the Sunday evening service time for our family worship.  One night down.

Tuesday we have small group.  Two nights down.

Inevitably, with eight people in our home, someone has some commitment at least one night every week.  Work engagement, book club, special kid date night, dude night, craft night, out with friends.  Three nights down.

We try to have friends over one night each week as much as possible.  Four nights down.

Dare we take a date night?  Five nights down.

We have tried to maintain one weekend evening as a Family Pizza & Movie Night.  Six nights down.

And this is where the time goes.

Which is why I feel as if I never have time to keep up with all of my pals as I would desire to do.

Dear Every Friend I Have With Whom I Never Seem To Be Able To Spend Enough Time . . . 

I think I am as bad at balancing friendships as I am at assembling this post into a proper letter format.