
Summertime Blues

I don’t have my act together.

School begins this week and I’m basically prepared for that.

But all the rest – you know, regular life details – I’m just not really on top of lately.

Maybe it’s the return from such a happy, busy summer adventure. Maybe the lack of structure has me feeling plain lazy. Maybe I just don’t care for doing dishes or washing laundry or sweeping floors. Maybe I really want to just lie still for hours upon hours and play board games with my favorite six year old and read Charlotte’s Web out loud for the twelfth time.

I don’t know.

But I know I do not feel like maintaining our home’s already-low cleanliness standards nor do I feel like crafting tasty meals nor completing work tasks I know are my responsibility.


I just don’t feel like working hard right now.

Which, of course, we all know is exactly why I must. Exactly why it’s perfect timing for school to begin this week. Exactly why I need to give myself a pep talk and a firm kick in the pants.

But man.

I don’t want to.


  • Sarah Poland

    Amen, Sister!
    I didn’t want to either, then God kicked me in the pants!
    I was bemoaning my plight, pitying my plot, etc…..then I heard the words: cancer, surgery, soon….
    Then I could not do some things I didn’t want to do. I am able again – praise the Lord – and I ask Him to remind me everyday how much I want to do the things I should!
    Stefani hooked me up with your blog…..I do enjoy your writing – thanks for sharing your life honestly!
    Be encouraged, Sister….you can do it (whatever the “it” is) through Christ Who strengthens you – the trick is balancing the Mary/Martha thing! It helps me to remember Jesus never got in a hurry, but He was always about His Father’s business.

    • laceykeigley

      Thank you for your kind and convicting words Sarah!

      I do recall a young you actually!

      Thank you for commenting and thank your sister for reading the blog too!

      I hope your family is well!

  • Lana

    You may seriously need some D3! A few weeks ago I was a mess and so tired. I took D3 at about 7000 units a day for 10 days and now I am good as new. It started to work really quick! I just told my 23 year old daughter to take it too as she is a tired mess. This summer has been so dreary that I guess we have just not gotten enough sunshine.

    • laceykeigley

      I guess I could google it – but that would take all the fun out of it — is D3 like Vitamin D?

      • Lana

        It will be labeled D3. I felt better in two days! We take 5000 units from October through May as a flu preventative. It has been proven to work better than the flu shot which we would not do anyway.