Mosely Ella Claiborne

Happy Birthday Mosely.

Mosely is officially ten, no matter how often Kevin keeps telling her she’s not allowed to reach the double digits.

She used to be one.

All smelling like baby formula and looking like a living cartoon with those enormous cheeks and liquidy brown eyes and soft fluffs of hair.

Last night she blew out her ten little mismatched candles on her chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting.  (She is a creature of habit – it’s always chocolate cake for her.)

(I’m still using the exact same chocolate cake recipe that came from my friend’s mother – a friend I have known since seventh grade!)

She celebrated with her sweet little friends.

She opened gifts – paper dolls!  (And Laura Ingalls paper dolls, no less.)

Plus other kind gifts, including medieval paper dolls, a beautiful hand crocheted change purse and London’s special elf basket – complete with a homemade Legolas, elven rope and a thorough map of Middle Earth.

Treasures, indeed – both the friends and the gifts.

Riley, through the help of her generous friend Katie, was able to “personally” deliver a lovely bouquet of flowers to Mosely with a thoughtful little card.

It was a wonderful gesture – it’s hard to have Riley missing out on these celebrations.

We feasted on spaghetti and homemade bread.  (Yes, spaghetti has been Mosely’s birthday dinner choice for TEN years.  Why break the streak now?)

Oh, my Mosely Ella.  There is just so much to love about this little Keigley.

When I tucked all the girls in and said a prayer for them, I prayed the same words I’ve been telling this child since she could listen ….

I am so grateful we met her.  So grateful she is ours.  So grateful she shares our last name. 

Happy Tenth Birthday my little Mosely.

May we eat spaghetti and chocolate cake for twelve twenty thirteen two three nine more years to come!