Field Trip,  HomeLife

Home Again.

We have returneth from whence we came.

In other words …. we are back.

A spring vacation to the beach was a new experience for our family.

And, yes, we loved it.  The sea.  The sun.  The breeze.  The golf cart.  The bikes.  The kayaks.  The pool.  The together.  The late sleeping.

Loved. It. All.

The problem with a return post that covers a week is that I actually have too many photos.

Riley received a new camera as a graduation gift and she really broke it in last week.

And Kevin took really fun underwater pictures with his phone.

But not every shot has been downloaded. Yet.

So I’m just sharing the meager (!) few from my phone. With the focus being group pictures.

I’ll try to keep something focused here, as my writing is not currently focused.  Neither is my brain.

The beach house had a working dryer.

What a pleasure to return home with clean fluffy towels.

Piper seemed to have forgotten that she stopped sucking her thumb before this trip. Back to square one.

Our animal sighting list was surprisingly long. Alligators. (Plural.) Horseshoe Crabs. Dozens. Baby horseshoe crabs.  Blue legged crabs. Fighting crabs.  Crabs protecting a baby under their crabby arms.  Painted bunting. Red winged blackbirds.

It’s still strawberry season here at home.  I’m so glad.  I was afraid I’d miss it somehow. I’ve got some jam to get going this week.

A stranger gave Otto a shark tooth’s necklace for his birthday. He’s pretty crazy cute when he wears it.  I believe his blondness increased exponentially this week somehow. I think his hair might even be white.

I missed our lumpy lame bed.

We ended up getting home at approximately midnight Friday night.

Five of six children were asleep in the car for hours before we pulled in to our driveway. We carried at least two children inside in our arms.

Small humans were quietly placed in beds.

And yet.

A shrieking sound from the porch changed everything.


Suddenly, at midnight, everyone was wide awake.

It seems five kittens were born in a box on our porch that morning.

Welcome back.