Keiglets,  Mosely Ella Claiborne

We’re Still Here. (Except When We Weren’t.)

If you follow our lives primarily through this blog, then it might appear as if Mosely turned seven last week and then life stood still at our house.

No posts.

No comments.

Internet silence.


Life did probably stand basically still at our house.

But we did not.

Stand still, that is.

In fact, we were on the move on Mo-Town’s birthday too.

We were headed south. (For an event I will probably write about tomorrow.  I say “probably” because I can’t ever really guarantee if my day will include writing or cleaning up vomit or playing board games or baking dozens of blueberry muffins.)

We landed near the ole’ ATL at the home of our friends’ house – Chris & Jamal.

We had pretty much invited ourselves to their home as a bit of a resting place from our point of origin to our final destination.

And then we asked if we could not only sleep at their house – all eight of us you know – but if we could also host our daughter’s seven-year-old birthday party there.

(Geez – who wants friends like us – eh?)

We weren’t really surprised that they said yes.

We already knew they were cool like that.

But we were so sweetly surprised that their living room was completely decked out for Mosely’s celebration when we arrived.

Streamers, posters, balloons, an inflatable snowman – you name it.

Plus, Chris made us dinner.

Yeah, that’s right, a single guy living on his own made our family of eight, plus a few other pals, a delicious dinner of homemade potato soup.

(Uh – why is that Chris guy still single?  Have you tasted his potato soup, girls?  Come on!)

For Mosely – it was a girl party all the way.

Barbie cake.  (Barbie (or a close friend of hers, really) had to be content being blue and pink, however, as purple canned icing was not easily located.)

We had a pinata that was mostly unbreakable.  Chris stepped up to give little blindfolded Mosely a hand.  But that wasn’t enough.  Kevin had to move in to Super Daddy position and help Mosely crack that impenetrable star-shaped, over-priced, empty-when-you-buy-it pinata.

(Maybe the pinata wasn’t all that strong after all.  Maybe the PVC pipe Mosely was using as a bat was the real problem.  Who knows?)

We had that inflatable snowman that received more attention than he required.

He seemed a little deflated post-party, just like the rest of us.

And we hung out with pals and the kids ran around with pals

and everyone posed for pictures with pals.

I think we all had fun.

Thank you gentlemen for opening up your wonderful home and for feeding us dinner and offering us warm beds and safe lodging.

You did such a great job, we’ll probably come back!

(Oh.  And all you single ladies – Chris is the guy on the far left.  Actually – the other guys are incredible as well.  And single.  But the far right fella is spoken for.  And so is Jamal, for that matter.  Except somehow he managed to not be in any photos on this post today.)