God's Pursuit of Me,  HomeLife,  Story

Half Way. But Not Quite.

It has been happening all month.

Ever since I learned about charity:water.

Ever since I wrote about charity:water.

Ever since we told our kids about charity:water.

Ever since we showed the kids a video from charity:water.

I am constantly noticing water.

How much I drink every day. (Like way more than my eight glasses.)  (And it’s always cold.)   (And ice is always available.)

How often I leave the tap water running while cleaning the kitchen. (It’s a bad habit for so many reasons.  I got it.)

How much I pour down the drain at bath time. (The kids got super dusty while playing in the dirt while attending Riley’s first cross country meet of the season.  We took them home.  Bathed them in our handy-dandy-everybody-I-know-has-at-least-two-of-these-right-in-the-comfort-of-their-very-own-home bathtub.  The kids were filthy.  The water was filthy.  But then we could drain it all and start again.  What. A. Blessing.)

How much the kids drink. And take for granted.  Naturally. (We were all cuddling together in Berg’s tent, eating popcorn and reading our novel for school.   The kids were sharing water from the glow-in-the-dark Nalgene bottle.  Piper complained that there was not enough leftover for her after Bergen’s last big slurp.  Mosely reminded her, “If we run out, I’ll just go back to the kitchen and get more for us.”  Because that would be no problem.  It’s always in the kitchen, waiting for us to lift the handle of the faucet.  Just like that.)

Our goal for the month of September is $30,000 with the help of 30 bloggers.

We are half way through the month of September.

Half way.

But we haven’t reached the half way mark monetarily.

Not quite.

I would love for you to help.

Not just with your cash.  (Although that’s still cool.  That’s still really cool.)

How about with your blog?  (Post something about charity:water.  Direct people to the website.)

How about with your twitter?

How about with your facebook page?

You can get the word out however you want.

This guy – a fellow 30 bloggers blogger – designed some original artwork featured on Jon Acuff’s Stuff Christians Like website.  And now he is selling it on e-bay with all proceeds going to charity:water.


Talk about it.  Sing about it.  Write about it on your wrist.  Whatever.
