Letters,  Otto Fox Wilder

Letter Number Four (4)

Dear Otto’s Nursery Worker,

I don’t know why I do not know your name.

I am sorry for that.

But I do know something about you.

You make me happy.

Every. Single. Tuesday.

You are a blessing – and here’s what funny.

You are a stranger to me.  To my ten-month-old son.

But every week when you see me enter that nursery room with a grinning baby in my arms, you get excited.

Genuinely excited.

As if you love my baby too.

As if taking care of my son is actually a gift to you.

Which made me think.

Maybe it is.

Sort of.

See, I know there will be a day when that wiggly fellow is not able to fit in my arms.

When he walks and runs and drives a car to places far away from me.

I know that day is in my future.

And I figure

there was probably a day

in your past

that you held a wiggly worm of your own.

When your own son (or daughter) laughed at your silly faces and giggled at your slapstick comedy.

And now that kid is not a kid.

And he lives at his own house.  And cooks his own meals and packs his own lunches.

And so

maybe seeing my Otto,

holding my boy,

you get a little



of your own gift.

And I figure

there will be a day

when I snuggle with

someone else’s newborn’s tiny head


close my eyes


smell my own Otto’s head instead.

So I just want to say

thank you.

For tending to my last little man


for reminding me

that he is

in fact

a gift.


  • Mollie

    I had these EXACT feelings today when I handed Kate over. And her little 10 month old body snuggled up to the nursery worker and gave her a big hug. Makes going to Bible study with other moms THAT much sweeter!

    • laceykeigley

      It really does.
      It makes it kind of beautiful to share a little bit of that love.
      (And to get a break as well!)

  • Helen Rutrough

    Well said. I'm there now and getting to hold my first grandchild! Talk about memories… Yep, Anthony is now a father! Leah Renee arrived Feb. 20 – 7# 13 oz. and doing great.

    • laceykeigley

      I have been so excited for Anthony – as well as a little in shock that Anthony could be old enough to be a father.
      But I know he is a wonderful one and I can be certain you are an incredible grandmother.

  • Gretchen

    What a blessing! You should put this letter in his bag and give it to her next week. I love doing nursery. I do a month on and a month off in our bed babies and I love those sweet little ones we get.