
Life is so . . . full.

Full of the type of moments that make this blog.

Full of the moments when I reach for the camera to capture that funny face.

Full of the times when I say to one of my children, “Say that again” and record their quirky words on my phone.

Full of the moments when I text my friends about something hilarious the kids have done or some criminal act the dog has committed.

And life is also so full of the stinky moments.

And the even worse than stinky times.

The moments that sometimes fill this blog as well.

The sorrow over loss.

The pain over disappointment.

The bitterness over unmet expectations.

But I think maybe life is the most full of . . . the ordinary.

The average.

The Every Day.


life is




I adore the highs of life.

Am not so fond of the lows.

But I guess I pretty much make my residence in the flat lands.

At least physically.

And I think maybe that is why I work so hard (on my good days) to find the beauty in the Every Day.

To make the choice to make function pretty.

It’s why I love Sally’s amber colored-bubbly drinking glasses.

And why my favorite plates are hand-painted pottery pieces.

It’s the reason I get dressed in a cute skirt on a morning when my only plans are to teach my children how to read, write, add and be kind.

It’s why I make homemade cards and cherish handcrafted gifts.

It’s why my favorite dishcloth is the green knitted one.

And why I paint on the walls and sing songs with my kids.

It’s why I stand too long in the peanut butter and jam aisle at the grocery store, laughing with my kids about the absurdity of lime curd jam.  (And then buy some, just to say we tried it.)

Because we do live in the Every Day.

And I’d like that ordinary to be a little more . . . extraordinary.

To praise the simple for its beauty.

And to embrace the sunshine, the warm cookies, the well-shaped, from-scratch biscuit made by my daughter’s capable hands.

To struggle through the hard, to reach a path through the suffering – not just avoid it on the outskirts.

To cherish the Every Day.

Every day.

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