
A Call To Support Marriages


I’ve thought about how to introduce this video challenge I am sharing today.

But I just can’t seem to find the words I want.

Valentine’s Day can be so cheesy – and this isn’t cynical Lacey or a jaded person typing.  I’ve always found the hearts and the cupids surrounding February 14 to be contrived and manufactured.

(I have, however saved one Valentine’s card from fifth or sixth grade.  It was a sniff and smell kind and on the front was an orange.  You can probably guess what lame joke accompanied the orange.  I have no real idea why that singular card has been saved all of these long years.  It was from a boy and he didn’t write a sweet sentiment on the back.  He wrote, “Why don’t you like me?”  You guys.  I have no idea why I didn’t like this boy.  I don’t even have any memory of actually not liking him.  In fact, I have zero memory of him at all except his name and what he looks like in our elementary school yearbook.)

That story was completely irrelevant.  My apologies.

I’m sharing a video from a dear sweet friend I have known for more than two decades.  We met in college and she’s been a soul sister to me ever since those days of Chuck Taylors and flannel shirts.

Parts of me really long to tell Mandi’s whole story, but it is her story and not mine.  I will say that she loves Jesus in a way that is tangible and genuine and influences her entire life.

Mandi made this video and created this challenge – an idea to pray for marriages on Valentine’s Day in a specific manner – and she texted me this link and asked me to share it with my friends if I wanted to.

Mandi doesn’t ask for a lot of things.  She offers a lot to other people.  She helps and leads and volunteers and coordinates and works behind the scenes and encourages and praises and fills people up.

So, basically, if Mandi asked, I was probably going to say yes.

She didn’t ask me to share her video here, but it only seemed right to put it in a post and to let other people do what they would like with it as well.

I’ll be joining Mandi and praying for the marriages of people I love – like my daughter and like Mandi.  Like my friends who are thriving and my friends who are barely hanging on.  I believe in marriage still, even though I am not married.  I believe in the picture that marriage paints of intimacy and service, sacrifice and honor.  And that’s really worth bringing before God, who also cares deeply about marriage and the people he created who build up and break down marriage every day.



